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Dance Conditioning
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Bei dieser Dance Conditioning Class handelt es sich um ein gezieltes Trainingsprogramm, das auf die Bedürfnisse von Tänzer*innen ausgerichtet ist. Die Stunde beinhaltet ein anspruchsvolles Fitnesstraining zur Steigerung der Kraft und zum Toning der Muskulatur. Kombiniert wird das Programm mit Sequenzen zur Verbesserung der Flexibilität und der Tanztechnik.

Somit eignet sich dieser Kurs für alle, die sich tiefgreifend mit einem tänzerspezifischen Umgang mit dem eigenen Körper befassen möchten oder schlichtweg einen starken, bewussten und flexiblen Körper anstreben. Nach einem ganzheitlichen Warm up, folgen kräftigende, im besonderen Maße den Core, die Bein-, Gesäß- und Fußmuskulatur stärkende Übungen. Weitere wichtige Bestandteile werden Übungen zur Verbesserung des Gleichgewichts und der Flexibilität sein.

Tanzspezifische Vorerfahrungen sind nicht nötig. In diesem Kurs ist Jede*r willkommen. 

This dance conditioning class is a specific training programme that is designed to meet the needs of dancers. The class includes challenging fitness training to increase strength and tone the muscles. The programme is combined with sequences to improve flexibility and dance technique.
This course is therefore suitable for anyone who wants to take an in-depth look at how to deal with their own body in a dance-specific way or simply wants a strong, conscious and flexible body. A holistic warm-up is followed by strengthening exercises, especially for the core, leg, buttock and foot muscles. Other important components will be exercises to improve balance and flexibility.
No previous dance experience is necessary. Everyone is welcome in this course.

Mo19:00-20:0028.04.- 14.07.Gail S. Halvorsen Schule20/ 31/ 43/ 53 €ab 01.04., 12:00

Dance Conditioning
Beschreibung anzeigen

For this offer, booking for external users and alumni begins on 8 April 2025.Dance Conditioning is a floor exercise method based on contemporary ballet training. It’s a whole body workout to energize the body and mind with a beautiful flow of movement and  hands on instruction. With music, each exercise is clearly structured and effective to activate physical sensations gently. In addition to classical ballet foundations, other practical elements such as Yoga, Pilates and basic breathing techniques are also combined to activate all major muscle groups with the following intentions:strengthening the center of body and vitalitycreating stable, free moving spine to support all motionsharmonizing choreographed sequences with breathing in musicpreventing injury by balancing your posture in proper alignmentremoving blockages to allow a free flow of energy channelsbasic breathing techniques to massage organs and stimulate the gland- and nerve systemdiscovering the healthy maximum range of motion without strainBy the end of the class, one’s whole body system is addressed and brought into more intelligent equilibrium.The class can be fitting to anybody who is interested in healthy body coordination and physical awareness with joy.

Level 1-4 in EnglishMi16:00-17:3023.04.-09.07.TU-Sportzentrum Dovestraße 6 / E31€/47€/47€/62€
Level 1-4 in English drop-inMi16:00-17:3023.04.-09.07.TU-Sportzentrum Dovestraße 6 / E3€/4€/4€/6€