UniSport @ HOME-Ticket
https://www.buchsys.de/fu-berlin/angebote/aktueller_zeitraum/_UniSport___HOME-Ticket.htmlBeschreibung anzeigen
Auch im Sommersemester könnt Ihr an Euren Lieblings-Onlinekursen teilnehmen und unsere "UniSport @ HOME" Kurse live über die Plattform
Cisco Webex
streamen. Alles was Du brauchst ist eine gute Internetverbindung für beste Bild- und Tonqualität und das UniSport @ HOME-Ticket (10/15/20 Euro).
Ein Ticket = alle Kurse! (Den Buchungsbutton findest du ganz unten auf dieser Seite.)
Mit dem Ticket in der virtuellen Tasche, kannst Du Dich dann für beliebig viele @ HOME Kurse kostenlos auf der Website anmelden! Die Infos, wie Du an den Online-Kursen teilnehmen kannst, kommen für jeden gebuchten Kurs separat per E-Mail!
Und keine Angst, Du bist selbst nicht zu sehen und zu hören, wenn Du es nicht möchtest ;-)
Die UniSport @ Home Wochenübersicht
Sommersemesterprogramm 2025:
22.04.2025 - 20.07.2025
14:00-14:45 Uhr
Pausenexpress @ HOME
18:00-18:45 Uhr
Bauch Beine Po @ HOME
19:00-19:45 Uhr
Stretch & Relax @ HOME
20:00-20:45 Uhr
Yoga @ HOME Vinyasa
11:00-11:15 Uhr
Pausenexpress @ HOME
17:30-18:15 U
Rückenfit @ HOME
18:30-19:00 Uhr
Yoga & Pilates @ HOME
20:30-21:15 Uhr
Yoga @ HOME Yin Yoga
18:00-18:45 Uhr
Sweat & Stretch
19:00-19:45 Uhr
Yoga @ HOME Hatha
20:15-20:45 Uhr
Pilates @
08:00-08:30 Uhr
Yoga @ HOME Vinyasa
12:15-12:30 Uhr
Pausenexpress @ HOME
Achtsamkeit & Meditation @ HOME
18:00-18:45 Uhr
19:30-20:15 Uhr
CoreFit @ HOME
20:30-21:15 Uhr
Qigong @ HOME
08:00-08:30 Uhr
Yoga & Pilates @ HOME
10:15-11:00 Uhr
Body Shape @ HOME
19:00-19:45 Uhr
Yoga @ HOME Power
UniSport @ HOME-Ticket:
In the summer semester you can also take part in your favorite online courses and stream our
"UniSport @ HOME" courses live via the
Cisco Webex
platform. All you need is a good
internet connection for the best picture and sound quality and the UniSport @ HOME ticket (10/15/20 euros).
One ticket = all courses! (You can find the booking button at the bottom of this page.)
With the ticket in your virtual pocket, you can register for any number of @ HOME courses on the website free of charge! The information on how you can take part in the online courses will be sent separately by email for each course you have booked!
And don't worry, you can't be seen or heard yourself if you don't want to ;-)
Online board game evenings:
And for everyone who is longing for sociable game evenings again, we have just the right thing on offer! At our free online parlor game evenings (Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. - Open End) you can choose from different parlor, board & video games and meet like-minded game enthusiasts! (The game is played in German or English.)
you can find further information and registration.
The UniSport @ Home weekly overview
Summer program 2025:
22.04.2025 - 20.07.2025
14:00-14:45 clock
Pausenexpress @ HOME
18:00-18:45 clock
Bauch Beine Po @ HOME
19:00-19:45 clock
Stretch & Relax @ HOME
20:00-20:45 clock
Yoga @ HOME Vinyasa
11:00-11:15 clock
Pausenexpress @ HOME
17:30-18:15 clock
Rückenfit @ HOME
18:30-19:00 clock
Yoga & Pilates @ HOME
20:30-21:15 clock
Yoga @ HOME Yin Yoga
18:00-18:45 clock
Sweat & Stretch
19:00-19:45 clock
Yoga @ HOME Hatha
20:15-20:45 clock
Pilates @ Home
08:00-08:30 clock
Yoga @ HOME Vinyasa
12:15-12:30 clock
Pausenexpress @ HOME
16:30-17:15 clock
Achtsamkeit & Meditation @ HOME
18:00-18:45 clock
19:30-20:15 clock
CoreFit @ HOME
20:30-21:15 clock
Qigong @ HOME
08:00-08:30 clock
Yoga & Pilates @ HOME
10:15-11:00 clock
Body Shape @ HOME
19:00-19:45 clock
Yoga @ HOME Power
Here's an overview of how it works:
1. Book the UniSport @ HOME ticket via the link below "book"!
2. Then search for as many favorite courses as you like in the A-Z list (offers @HOME) or from the overview above and book free of charge.
3. Install the Cisco Webex Meetings program (this is optional; you can also use the browser without downloading the program).
4. Before each course start, you will receive an email with the access data and a link to the "WEBEX-Event" for your online course.
5. Log in shortly before the start of the course using the link sent and off you go!
Please note:
Participation in the live courses is at your own risk and responsibility, as no movement correction or stress control can be guaranteed by the course management.
For technical and quality reasons, we recommend using a PC or laptop to take part in the live courses. In addition to a good internet connection, ensure that your device has a good view and sound so that you can follow the course of your course unit smoothly.
The recording (picture and sound) of the live courses is not permitted!
Name | Tag | Zeit | Zeitraum | Ort | Preis | Buchbar |
Sommersemester 2025 | 22.04.- 20.07. | 10/ 15/ 15/ 20 € | ab 01.04., 12:00 |